Cassandra Imel
Year: Freshman
Major: Pre-nursing
Hometown: Markle, Indiana
Students in STEM
What made you decide you wanted to follow the STEM path?
My mom was a nurse. I grew up watching her help other people all the time. It made her happy helping others and I always knew I wanted to do what she did.
What's been your biggest obstacle and how’d you overcome it?
Right now, moving away from home and trying to do things on my own has been a challenge without my parents being there to guide me. It's been difficult not being able to talk to them face-to-face every day.
What advice would you give others interested in pursuing STEM/nursing?
I would recommend going to study groups, tutoring services that the school offers, and open labs to stay on top of school work.
What are your goals for the future?
My goal is to graduate from the nursing program. I want to work at Riley's Hospital and be in the pediatrics unit.
How do you balance your coursework and other commitments to maintain a strong academic performance?
I use time management sheets. I normally do my schoolwork before I do any fun activities to make sure I will not miss anything.
Do you have any mentors, professors, or role models that have influenced your STEM journey? How did they impact you?
My mom took anatomy and she helps me with the requirements needed for nursing school. She helps me study and reads me terms, which is very helpful.