Le'Joy D. White ('06)

Year: Class of 2006
Hometown: Indianapolis, Indiana
Current Occupation: Academic Advisor at IUPUI Kelley School of Business Academic Advisor and IUPUI Kelley Honors Program
B.S. Degree: Management, Kelley School of Business, Indiana University Bloomington
M.S. Degree: Public Administration, Baruch College of the City University of New York
Ph.D. Degree (in progress): Urban Education Studies, School of Education, Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis
IU Awards and Honor: 2002-2006 IU 21st Century Scholarship; 2002-2006 IU Hudson and Holland Scholarship
Past IU Student Involvements: Fall 2005 IU Office of Overseas Study to London, UK; 2004-2006 Student Ambassador of IU Multicultural Outreach and Recruitment Educators (MORE); 2005-2006 IU 21st Century Scholars Advisory Council; Host for the IU Minority Overnight Program; Leader for IU Housing Tours
How Has the IU 21st Century Scholars Program Helped You Succeed: "The IU 21st Century Scholars Program provided me with the resources and supplies that I needed to attend college. Without the program, college would not have been affordable for me and my family. As a student from a low income background, I would have had to work a job all four years to pay for school and living expenses at IUB. Because of the IU 21st Century Scholars Program, I was able to live comfortably and not take on a large amount of student loan debt. In addition, the program provided me with the support that I needed to navigate the unfamiliar terrain of higher education. Ms. Jeanette S. Nelms, then Director of the IU 21st Century Scholars Program, played a vital role in connecting me with the right people on campus and ensuring that I had all the tools necessary to be successful. Although IUB is a large campus, the IU 21st Century Scholars Program made it feel more like a family."
Alumni Advice to Current IU 21st Century Scholars: "I would tell a IU 21st Century Scholar to take advantage of all of the opportunities presented to them and to not be distracted by the things that are not important. College is a once in a lifetime opportunity for you to focus completely on getting your education and to meet people that could be in your network for a very long time. Get out of your comfort zone and join that student organization, study abroad, and attend that seminar. Do what feels uncomfortable! Lastly, do not let the challenges and difficulties scare you. It is completely normal and you will overcome them if you utilize the resources around you. Let people know what you need to be successful and build positive relationships."
Alumni Advice on Life after IU: "I would tell an IU Alumni to take risks in their career. You may not get it right the first time but look at every position and opportunity as a chance to grow in some way. I would also say do not be scared to create your own path. You do not have to take the traditional route for your major or do what others expect you to do. I can testify to this because I was not a traditional business student. I decided to pursue a career in education because I found that I am passionate about helping children and young adults. I have been able to utilize my business degree every step of the way although I took a non-traditional path. Lastly, relationships are key! You do not want to burn bridges. You never know where your career may lead you and your reputation follows you. It should be your goal to leave a place better than it was before you came. You must care about your work and the legacy that you leave behind."