August 2016 Newsletter
Welcome Back Message from Vincent E. Isom, Director of IU 21st Century Scholars Program
Greetings 21st Century Scholars! We hope that you had a wonderful summer season this year. We are so thrilled about the first week of class. Our entire team and I look forward to meeting the Class of 2020 and welcoming back our current 21st Century Scholars at IU Bloomington. This year, many of our returning scholars have traveled overseas during the summer break and/or gearing up to study abroad for the fall semester, while others are concluding their summer internships in a number of career fields. Some 21st Century Scholars are graduating from the Indiana University’s cadet program and stepping into roles as IU police officers. As director, I know that each of you provide a living example of why the 21st Century Scholars Program is successful and the necessary encouragement for the incoming freshman class. Your involvement shows why taking full advantage of this opportunity is so important. Our professional staff, colleagues, student staff, and tutors look forward to serving you throughout the 2016-2017 academic year. Please feel free to contact our office anytime at We are here to assist you in reaching your academic and personal goals of a college degree and pursuit of your chosen career path. See you soon!
Our NEW Special Projects Coordinator Roy Y. Chan
Our office is pleased to welcome our new Special Projects Coordinator Roy Y. Chan at the 21st Century Scholars Program of Indiana University Bloomington. Prior to his role, Roy served as Office Services Assistant in the Robert A. and Sandra S. Borns Jewish Studies Program at Indiana University Bloomington, and was previously Graduate Technology Consultant in the Information Technology Services (ITS) at Boston College. Roy holds a B.A. in Criminology, Law & Society from UC Irvine, a M.Ed. in International Education from The University of Hong Kong, and a M.A. in Higher Education Administration from Boston College. He is currently a third-year Ph.D. student in Comparative & International Education at Indiana University Bloomington with a minor in Philanthropic Studies at Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis (IUPUI).
During the 2016-2017 academic year, Roy will provide upper-level administrative and programming support for current 21st Century Scholars at IU Bloomington. He will also send out weekly newsletters to inform current scholars of upcoming events and activities in the 21st Century Scholars office. Do you have an announcement to make? Would you like be featured as one of our IU Student Scholar Spotlight of the month? If yes, please send all comments and requests to Roy at
IU FASE Student-Faculty Mentoring Initiatives
Are you looking for a faculty mentor at Indiana University, Bloomington? The Student-Faculty Mentoring Initiatives under the Mentoring Services and Leadership Development (MSLD) of the Office of the Vice President for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEMA) is currently launching a new program this year that gives 21st Century Scholars an opportunity to learn, grow, and gain insight from an IU faculty mentor; connect with an IU professor one-on-one or in a small group; and acquire career advice, support and encouragement from an IU faculty member.
To sign up for a faculty mentor, please register online BY Friday, August 26, 2016 at
Fall 2016 Student Involvement Fair
Are you looking for a club to join this semester? Interested to get involved with on-campus life? The IU Student Involvement Fair is an annual campus event that introduces students to the wealth of opportunities to become involved both on and off campus. It is the perfect way for students to learn more about IU’s 750+ registered student organizations, local nonprofit agencies, and IU offices and programs. For more info, please visit:
When: Monday, August 29, 2016, 2:00PM-6:00PM
Where: IMU Dunn Meadow
The IU Volunteer Corps is a student organization primary composed of 21st Century Scholars at Indiana University, Bloomington dedicated to serving the Bloomington community throughout our undergraduate careers. We help all of our members find volunteering opportunities that suit their individual interest and hold group volunteer events to draw our members together. To sign up, please visit: https://beinvolved.indiana.